Our numbers, your impact
Through the dedicated collaboration of our members and partners, FDS is making a stronger impact in transforming the future for thousands across Latin America.
Dear members and supporters,
We are thrilled to present our Annual Report for fiscal year 2022-2023, highlighting our milestones across Latin America. This year has seen growth, innovation, and a deeper commitment to education and professional development in the tech industry, made possible by our passionate community and supporters.
-Rupay Fernandez, Chair
Key achievements
20+ countries
We have expanded our presence in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, El Salvador, United States, Bolivia, Italy, Turkey, and many others.
12,000+ members
Proud of our community of students, professionals, and organizations.
700+ scholarships
Granted through Jala University.
$1 to $7 SROI
For every dollar we invest, we have a social return of investment of $7 through our programs.
Committed to education and quality employment for vulnerable youth.
100+ events
Helping our community network and thrive.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global framework adopted by the United Nations in 2015, aimed at addressing the world's most pressing challenges by 2030. There are 17 goals focusing on different areas, while serving as a roadmap for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together toward creating a better and more equitable world.
Our initiatives have a special impact on these SDGs